ऑडियो में परमेश्वर का वचन
ऑडियो में परमेश्वर का वचन

Hindi is the third most spoken language in the world with 615 million speakers in 2019. The 22nd edition of the world language database Ethnologue lists English at the top of the list with 1,132 million speakers. Chinese Mandarin is second with 1,117 million speakers.

The Hindi language is an official language of India and a recognized minority language in the United Arab Emirates. It is a first language for about 425 million people and a second language for 120 million people. Apart from India, Hindi is also spoken in other countries including Mauritius, Suriname, Nepal, Trinidad and Tobago, United States of America and South Africa.

Verse of the day

धन्य हैं वे जो नम्र हैं क्योंकि यह पृथ्वी उन्हीं की है।

Matthew 5:5

God speaks your Language

Bible.is - The perfect scripture engagement tool to share with members of your community. Whether born and raised locals or first generation immigrants, be sure to give your neighbours a chance to hear God speak their language. We have made available resources in text, audio and video format in Hindi language on this website. If you are using Android or iOS please download and use our Bible app Bible.is to read, listen and watch Bible in Hindi and other languages ​​or listen online. Also be sure to share the app with your community, family and friends.


Hindi Promo Video




Holy Bible


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Gospel - See



Watch World-class cinematography and excellent word-for-word Gospel Films about the life and ministry of Jesus in Hindi language.


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If you have any questions or are looking for ministry partnership opportunities, please write to india@fcbhmail.org.


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